This code is intended to aid member firms of the Tennessee Network of Security Integrators and their employees individually and collectively in maintaining a high level of ethical conduct. It is evolved out of the experience of Members and is binding on all member firms and their employees.
I. We will further the public interest by contributing to the development of a better understanding and use of the capabilities, abilities, and technical skills of the security, fire and life safety industry of the United States of America and neighboring countries and by accepting our responsibilities to the communities within which we live and work.
II. We will represent our qualifications to prospective clients solely in terms of our ability, experience and reputation and will strive continuously to improve our knowledge, skills and techniques to make available to our clients the benefit of our professional attainment.
III. We will always be mindful of the trust placed in us by our subscribers and of our responsibility to render services at the highest level of quality.
IV. We will assure that all of our employees are carefully oriented so that they will clearly understand company operations, policies, and procedures and their relationship with subscriber companies and their employees.
V. We will apply uniform and equitable standards of employment opportunity and assure that the best possible use is made of the abilities, technical and other, of our employees regardless of race, creed, color, sex or age.
VI. We will endeavor to provide opportunity for the professional advancement of those employees who enter the security, fire and life safety industry by assisting them to acquire additional knowledge and competence in their technical skills and to keep up with the significant advances in the state of the art.
VII. We will maintain a wholly professional attitude toward those we serve, those who assist us, toward other firms in the industry, toward the members of other professions, and toward the practitioners of allied arts and sciences.
VIII. We will respect the reputation and practice of other firms in the security, fire and life safety industry but we will expose to proper authority, without hesitation, conduct which may be unethical.
Be it resolved, then: that the Tennessee Network of Security Integrators Members be guided always by a spirit of justice, honor and fairness in all dealings with subscribers, clients, and members of this and associated industries.
Tennessee Network of Security Integrators
P.O. Box 150062
Nashville, TN 37215
Phone: 615-791-9590 Fax: 615-791-1811 Email
© Copyright 2021 Tennessee Network of Security Integrators
Site by Digitech Consulting, Inc.